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John Fettermans Approval Rating Declines In Pennsylvania

John Fetterman's Approval Rating Declines in Pennsylvania

Poll Shows Drop in Support Since Taking Office

Absence from Roll Call Votes and Health Concerns Cited as Factors

According to a recent poll by Franklin Marshall College, John Fetterman's approval rating in Pennsylvania has fallen since he took office in January. Fetterman, a Democrat, now has an approval rating of 48%, down from 61% in February.

The poll suggests that Fetterman's absence from roll call votes and ongoing health concerns may be contributing to the decline in his support. Fetterman has missed 97 out of 531 roll call votes in the Senate since February 2023, which is a significantly higher number than the average for all senators.

Fetterman has been open about his struggles with depression and the lingering effects of a stroke he suffered in May 2022. He has taken time off from work on several occasions to address his health.

The Franklin Marshall College poll was conducted from June 19-25, 2023, and surveyed 1,000 registered voters in Pennsylvania. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.
